Thursday, July 28, 2011

Facebook Marketing Tactics: The Best Practices in Representing Your Business on Facebook

Yesterday I attended an enlightening webinar hosted by one of the most creative digital marketing companies, Likeable Media. Dave Kerpen, CEO and founder of Likeable Media, shared his best tips on how to lead your brand's presence on Facebook.

In this webinar, they tackled the most common questions most businesses would have in regards to their brand on Facebook. I was quite impressed with their answers. Here are a couple of questions and answers from the discussion that I thought would be most helpful:

How do you handle a bad comment/post on your wall?

"Respond quickly to all bad comments!" said Kerpen. He went on to equate that not responding was similar to hanging up on a customer in front of thousands of people. He believes that commenting on those bad posts publicly, shows that you're listening and that you are willing to fix the problem instead of ignore it. "Simply respond with, 'I'm sorry you're having a problem, we sent you a private email to help fix the problem," said Kerpen. This way you're acknowledging the comment without having to defend yourself on an open forum. "The two most powerful words for businesses are, 'I'm sorry!' Sorry goes a long way and helps build confidence in your brand," explained Kerpen.

Should we only respond to the negative comments?

Absolutely not! "Thank you! is also another powerful group of words for a business on Facebook," said Kerpen. You want to give shout outs to those loyal customers and give the spot light to your brand ambassadors because without them, your brand would stop at them and would not be referred to their network of people. This will encourage more people to interact with the positive feedback, instead of only speaking out when they're unhappy.

How do non-profits engage their community more since they don't have a product or service they are trying to plug?

Engage your community by sharing their stories about the cause, as well as you as a business should share your own stories. This back and forth sharing will connect you all to the cause at hand and will bring you closer with a stronger relationship. "You must build the trust of your audience first and get those emotional connections before you ask for donations," suggests Kerpen.

If my business is more of a service agency, like a realtor, how do I market myself on Facebook?

First, think of your business through the eyes of the consumer. No one is dying to look for a realtor and that search isn't something you will want to invest in and become a fan or Like. You need to sculpt your business into the customer's needs, such as a Beautiful Homes in Arizona page. With this type of tactic, you'll be reaching the network of people who are interested at looking at homes and real estate. And that's a page that most people would rather Like, as opposed to a realtor's page.

To get more information about Facebook tactics for your business, check out Dave Kerpen's book, The Likeable Book.

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