Monday, July 11, 2011

Embrace Social Media Marketing, Don't Be Afraid

Everywhere you look, social media is being integrated in all sorts of businesses and their marketing campaigns. It can no longer be thought of as a trend, it is now a part of the daily grind for both the consumer and businesses.

For the consumer, this is the marketplace to receive trusted and unsolicited referrals to all sorts of information. Whether they’re reading about restaurants, babysitters, coupons, shopping, global news, or family updates, consumers are using their social media platforms as a means of staying informed.

Most businesses have caught on that this is a perfect place to reach their current and new customers and reach new demographics. A place where companies can create a dialogue and community that exists of a back and forth dialogue with people they're trying to market to. Marketing and advertising has turned into a "collective" process, where businesses are putting their pride aside and asking the people what they want and getting to know their customer. It breaks down the business/customer wall. This type of engagement and activity reaffirms and strengthens the consumer's loyalty to the company. It simply builds upon the brand and solidifies it.

There are many businesses that are still weary to drop their professional side. Through my consultant work, this is one of the most common statements I hear, "I don't want to ask my consumer questions because I don't want them to think I don't know what I'm doing." This question has no room in social media. Businesses are now in the conversational network that is very informal. Companies around the world, Windows, Intel, Comcast, just to name a few, have realized that with social media, telling consumers what they want will get you no where. Creating a dialogue between you and your customer, as well as asking for ideas, is not only beneficial in a company's community, it's a must.

Think of it this way, when you were in school, what were your favorite classes? Not the lectures or teachers that preached information to you, it was the discussions and interactive classrooms and teachers that really helped you learn and take pride in your education. This goes the same for social media marketing. It is a place for people to listen AND be heard and businesses need to understand that that's the way to get your brand built and followed. Give up control and hear what your customers are saying. It will only make you stronger!

If you build a great relationship with your community, the community will refer and promote your brand free of charge!

1 comment:

  1. Edith, I am starting a new career as a Career Coach, and I know social media is important to getting my services out there to my network, but I was confused about exactly how to leverage this resource. Thanks so much for your blog. It's been really helpful. Thank you!
