Monday, July 18, 2011

Facebook Page vs. Website for Small Businesses

10 Reasons for Start-up or Small Businesses to Have a Facebook Page Instead of a Website.

If you're small business is just starting out and you're debating whether to invest in a website, I would hold off on that decision and try a Facebook page first.

Before you spend the money and time to get a site, why not try a free alternative. Here are the advantages with starting out with Facebook:

1. Free
2. Easy to use
3. No need to get someone to update and maintain your site.
4. Easier way to create your brand and a community of loyal customers.
5. Easy way to promote products and/or services.
6. Get instant feedback from your customer.
7. Easier for the customer to refer your business through Facebook than a website.
8. Instant and easy marketing campaigns through Facebook.
9. Can support and create new relationships with other businesses.
10. Tools and support all built in. Facebook has multiple pages catered to help businesses. (i.e. Facebook Marketing page, which offer webinars featuring some of the top digital marketing gurus in the world, Tabs that can allow you to have different sections on your page.)

Just remember when you enter the social media world, you have to realize that this realm is a give and take medium. This is the place where businesses have to listen to their customer. If you give up your power, it will only benefit you i the end. Join the collective and let your business succeed and create loyal customers for years to come.

For tips on how to best represent your business on social media, take a look at "Six Social Media Sins" by C. Edward Brice, Senior Vice-President, Worldwide Marketing Lumension.

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